Friday, 15 July 2011

Oh bacteria, you sly dog you!

You know that feeling you get when someone you relied on lets you down? Well, I have that feeling with my bacteria right now. I know they aren’t human but it sometimes seems as though they do things on purpose just to annoy me.

I mentioned in my previous post that yesterday was to be the day of reckoning. Actually, it was a day of uncertainty and reconsideration. My hopes were that I would get clear expression of my protein in at least one of the vectors, but instead I got another “maybe”. It seems that one of my vectors is showing expression of a protein, which we think is our protein of interest, but we can’t be sure. This is because our protein ladderis unclear and consequently, we are unable to see the exact size of the protein being expressed. Therefore, we have decided to re-do the experiment yet again, this time just for the most promising vector, under slightly different conditions to help improve our yield of protein.

Aaaarrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!! Science can be so frustrating!

  1. Protein ladder = A measure to show the different protein sizes. Provides a way to determine what size your proteins are

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